You can re-throw error that you catch in CATCH block using TRHOW statement:
DECLARE @msg nvarchar(50) = 'Here is a problem! Area: ''%s'' Line:''%i''' BEGIN TRY print 'First statement'; RAISERROR(@msg, 11, 1, 'TRY BLOCK', 2); print 'Second statement'; END TRY BEGIN CATCH print 'Error: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE(); THROW; END CATCH
First statement
Error: Here is a problem! Area: 'TRY BLOCK' Line:'2'
Msg 50000, Level 11, State 1, Line 4
Here is a problem! Area: 'TRY BLOCK' Line:'2'
THROW is similar to RAISERROR with following differences:
- Recommendation is that new applications should use THROW instead of RASIERROR.
- THROW can use any number as first argument (error number), RAISERROR can use only ids in sys.messages view
- THROW has severity 16 (cannot be changed)
- THROW cannot format arguments like RAISERROR. Use FORMATMESSAGE function as an argument of RAISERROR if you need this feature.
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