Monday, July 22, 2024

Report Localization in SSRS

 Report localization in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) involves translating and formatting reports to support multiple languages and regions. Here are some key steps and strategies for effectively localizing SSRS reports:

  1. Resource Files for Localization:

    • Use resource files (.resx) to store localized strings for different languages. You can create separate resource files for each language and reference these in your SSRS reports.
    • Create a base resource file (e.g., ReportStrings.resx) and localized versions (e.g., for French).
  2. Expressions for Localized Text:

    • Use expressions to dynamically display localized text in your reports. You can use custom code or embedded code in the report to fetch the localized strings.
    • Add custom code in the Report Properties (Code tab) to load the appropriate resource file based on the user’s language.
    Public Function GetLocalizedString(key As String, language As String) As String
        Dim rm As New System.Resources.ResourceManager("Namespace.ReportStrings", GetType(ReportName).Assembly)
        Return rm.GetString(key, New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(language))
    End Function
    • Use expressions in your report items to call this function and display the localized text.

    =Code.GetLocalizedString("ReportTitle", Parameters!Language.Value)
  3. Parameters for Language Selection:

    • Add a parameter to your report to allow users to select their preferred language. This parameter can be used to determine which resource file to load and which culture to apply for formatting.

    @Language (e.g., "en-US", "fr-FR")
  4. Localized Data:

    • Ensure that any data displayed in the report is also localized. This can involve querying localized data from your database or translating data within the report.
  5. Date, Number, and Currency Formatting:

    • Use culture-specific formatting for dates, numbers, and currency values. You can set the format of report items based on the selected language or culture.
    =Format(Fields!DateField.Value, "d", New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(Parameters!Language.Value))
  6. Localized Subreports:

    • If your report contains subreports, ensure that these subreports are also localized. Pass the language parameter to subreports and apply the same localization logic.
  7. Multi-Language Report Layouts:

    • For complex reports, consider creating separate layouts for each language. This approach can provide more control over the appearance and placement of localized text.
  8. Testing and Validation:

    • Thoroughly test your localized reports in all supported languages. Ensure that text fits properly within report items and that formatting is applied correctly.

Example: Implementing Localization in SSRS

  1. Create Resource Files:

    • Create resource files (ReportStrings.resx,, etc.) and add localized strings for each language.
  2. Add Language Parameter:

    • Add a report parameter named Language with available language options.
  3. Custom Code for Localization:

    • Add the following custom code in the Report Properties (Code tab):

      Public Function GetLocalizedString(key As String, language As String) As String
          Dim rm As New System.Resources.ResourceManager("Namespace.ReportStrings", GetType(ReportName).Assembly)
          Return rm.GetString(key, New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(language))
      End Function
  4. Expressions for Localized Text:

    • Use expressions to display localized text in report items:


      =Code.GetLocalizedString("ReportTitle", Parameters!Language.Value)
  5. Culture-Specific Formatting:

    • Apply culture-specific formatting for dates, numbers, and currency values:

      =Format(Fields!DateField.Value, "d", New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(Parameters!Language.Value))
  6. Pass Language Parameter to Subreports:

    • If using subreports, pass the language parameter to ensure they are also localized:



By following these steps, you can effectively localize your SSRS reports to support multiple languages and regions, providing a better user experience for a global audience.

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