Monday, August 5, 2024

Change Data Capture in SQL Server

 Change Data Capture (CDC) is a feature in SQL Server that enables you to track and capture changes made to data in your database tables. CDC records insert, update, and delete activity in tables and makes it available for querying, which is useful for data warehousing, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and data replication.

Key Concepts

  1. CDC Capture Instances: For each table you want to capture changes for, CDC creates a capture instance that records changes.
  2. Change Tables: CDC creates tables to store the changes, often with suffixes like _CT (e.g., Sales_CT).
  3. Log Capture: CDC uses SQL Server's transaction log to capture changes, which ensures that it records changes even if they occur outside of direct table modifications (e.g., through triggers or stored procedures).

Enabling CDC

To use CDC, you need to enable it at both the database and table levels.

Enabling CDC on a Database

-- Enable CDC on the database
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db;

Enabling CDC on a Table

-- Enable CDC on a specific table
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
    @source_schema = N'dbo',
    @source_name = N'Sales',
    @role_name = NULL;  -- Optional, specifies a database role that can access the change data

Captured Data

CDC records changes in change tables, which include:

  • __$start_lsn: Log sequence number indicating the start of the change.
  • __$end_lsn: Log sequence number indicating the end of the change (if applicable).
  • __$operation: Indicates the type of operation (e.g., insert, update, delete).

Querying Change Data

You can query the change tables to get information about the changes that have occurred.

Example Query: Retrieve Changes

-- Retrieve changes from the Sales_CT change table
FROM cdc.dbo_Sales_CT
WHERE __$operation IN (2, 3)  -- 2 = Update, 3 = Delete
  AND __$start_lsn BETWEEN 'LSN_Start_Value' AND 'LSN_End_Value';

Managing CDC

1. Disabling CDC on a Table

-- Disable CDC on a specific table
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_disable_table
    @source_schema = N'dbo',
    @source_name = N'Sales',
    @capture_instance = N'dbo_Sales';

2. Disabling CDC on a Database

-- Disable CDC on the database
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_disable_db;

Types of Changes Captured by CDC

  1. Inserts:

    • When a new row is added to the source table, CDC captures this row and records it in the change table with an operation type indicating an insert.
  2. Updates:

    • When a row is updated in the source table, CDC captures the new version of the row and records it in the change table. CDC also captures the old version of the row with its previous values, which allows you to track changes over time.
  3. Deletes:

    • When a row is deleted from the source table, CDC captures this deletion and records the row in the change table with an operation type indicating a delete.

Details Captured for Each Change

CDC uses special columns in the change tables to provide detailed information about the changes:

  • __$start_lsn: The Log Sequence Number (LSN) that marks the start of the change.
  • __$end_lsn: The LSN that marks the end of the change (if applicable).
  • __$operation: An integer that indicates the type of operation:
    • 1 = Delete
    • 2 = Insert
    • 3 = Update (before image)
    • 4 = Update (after image)

Examples of Change Data

  1. Insert Example:

    • If a new row with values (1, 'John Doe', '2024-08-01') is inserted into the Sales table, CDC captures this insertion and stores the data in the change table with an operation type of 2.
  2. Update Example:

    • If an existing row with SaleID = 1 is updated from (100, 'Jane Doe', '2024-08-01') to (100, 'John Smith', '2024-08-02'), CDC captures both the before and after images of the row. The change table will include two records:
      • Before Image: (100, 'Jane Doe', '2024-08-01') with an operation type of 3.
      • After Image: (100, 'John Smith', '2024-08-02') with an operation type of 4.
  3. Delete Example:

    • If a row with SaleID = 1 is deleted from the Sales table, CDC captures this deletion and stores the row in the change table with an operation type of 1.


  1. Performance: CDC can impact performance due to additional processing required to capture and store changes. Monitor performance and adjust as necessary.
  2. Storage: Change tables and log data consume additional storage. Regularly manage and clean up old data to avoid excessive growth.
  3. Retention: CDC retains change data based on the configured retention period. Ensure that this period aligns with your data retention and business requirements.
  4. Permissions: Access to CDC data is controlled by database roles. Ensure that appropriate permissions are set for users or applications accessing CDC data.
  5. Compatibility: CDC is available in SQL Server Standard and Enterprise editions, but not in SQL Server Express or Web editions.

Best Practices

  1. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly monitor the performance impact of CDC and optimize your database and queries as needed.
  2. Manage Retention: Implement a strategy to manage the retention of change data to prevent excessive storage usage.
  3. Test Thoroughly: Test CDC configurations and queries in a development environment before deploying them to production.
  4. Security: Ensure that access to CDC data is properly secured and that only authorized users or applications can access the change data.

By using Change Data Capture, you can efficiently track and manage changes in your SQL Server database, enabling robust data integration, replication, and analytics solutions.

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