Sunday, August 11, 2024

Except operator - tricky interview questions and answers

 The EXCEPT operator in SQL is used to return all rows from the first SELECT statement that are not present in the second SELECT statement. It’s the opposite of the INTERSECT operator. Here are some tricky interview questions and answers involving the EXCEPT operator:

1. Basic Understanding:

  • Question: What does the EXCEPT operator do, and how is it different from NOT IN?
  • Answer: The EXCEPT operator returns all distinct rows from the first query that are not present in the second query. NOT IN is used to filter out rows based on a list of values from a subquery. EXCEPT compares the entire row, while NOT IN typically compares a single column.

2. Column Order and Data Type:

  • Question: What happens if the columns in the SELECT statements used with EXCEPT are not in the same order or have different data types?
  • Answer: The columns must be in the same order and have compatible data types for EXCEPT to work. If the column order is different or the data types are incompatible, SQL will throw an error.

3. Handling NULLs:

  • Question: How does the EXCEPT operator handle NULL values?
  • Answer: EXCEPT treats NULL values as equal to other NULL values. If a row in the first query contains NULL in one or more columns, and an identical row in the second query also contains NULL in the same columns, that row will not appear in the result set.

4. Set Operations:

  • Question: Can EXCEPT be used in combination with other set operations like UNION or INTERSECT? If so, how would the precedence work?
  • Answer: Yes, EXCEPT can be combined with UNION and INTERSECT. The precedence is that INTERSECT is evaluated first, followed by EXCEPT, and then UNION. Parentheses can be used to explicitly define the order of operations.

5. Query Optimization:

  • Question: What are some performance considerations when using the EXCEPT operator on large datasets?
  • Answer: EXCEPT can be costly on large datasets because it involves sorting and comparing rows. Indexes on the involved columns can help, but in some cases, using NOT EXISTS or LEFT JOIN ... IS NULL might be more efficient.

6. Complex Filtering:

  • Question: Write a query using EXCEPT to find employees who are in the Employees table but do not have any matching record in the Contractors table based on their Name and Department.
  • Answer:
SELECT Name, Department FROM Employees
SELECT Name, Department FROM Contractors;

This query will return all employees who are not also contractors, considering both Name and Department.


  • Question: How would you rewrite an EXCEPT query using NOT EXISTS? Which one is generally more efficient?
  • Answer: Here’s how to rewrite the query:
SELECT e.Name, e.Department
FROM Employees e
    SELECT 1
    FROM Contractors c
    WHERE e.Name = c.Name AND e.Department = c.Department

Efficiency depends on the specific database and dataset, but NOT EXISTS can be more efficient when there are indexes on the join columns, as it may avoid the need to sort large datasets.

8. EXCEPT with Multiple Conditions:

  • Question: Write a query using EXCEPT to find products in a Products table that are available in one country but not in another.
  • Answer:
SELECT ProductID, Country FROM Products WHERE Country = 'USA'
SELECT ProductID, Country FROM Products WHERE Country = 'Canada';

This query returns products available in the USA but not in Canada.

9. Combining EXCEPT with Aggregation:

  • Question: Can you use the EXCEPT operator with aggregated data? Provide an example.
  • Answer: Yes, you can use EXCEPT with aggregated data. For example:
SELECT Department, COUNT(*) AS EmployeeCount FROM Employees GROUP BY Department
SELECT Department, COUNT(*) AS ContractorCount FROM Contractors GROUP BY Department;

This query returns departments where the number of employees differs from the number of contractors.

10. Edge Cases with Empty Result Sets:

  • Question: What happens if the second query in an EXCEPT operation returns no rows?
  • Answer: If the second query returns no rows, the result of the EXCEPT operation will be the same as the first query, since there’s nothing to exclude.

These questions are designed to probe a candidate’s deep understanding of the EXCEPT operator, its nuances, and its practical applications in different scenarios.

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