Monday, August 5, 2024


 FILESTREAM in SQL Server is a feature that allows you to store large binary data, such as documents, images, and multimedia files, directly in the file system, while still maintaining transactional consistency and integration with SQL Server. This feature is particularly useful for managing large unstructured data that exceeds the storage capacity or performance of typical SQL Server data types.

Key Concepts

  1. FILESTREAM Data: Allows you to store large binary data (such as images, audio, and video files) directly on the file system, while maintaining a reference to the data in the SQL Server database.

  2. FILESTREAM Storage: The actual file data is stored in the NTFS file system, which allows for efficient storage and retrieval of large files. SQL Server manages the metadata and references to these files.

  3. FILESTREAM Columns: Columns in SQL Server tables that are defined to use FILESTREAM storage. These columns are of type VARBINARY(MAX) with the FILESTREAM attribute.

  4. FILESTREAM Filegroups: Special filegroups used to store FILESTREAM data. They are created to manage the storage of FILESTREAM data in the file system.


  1. Enable FILESTREAM Feature in SQL Server

    Before you can use FILESTREAM, you need to enable the feature in SQL Server Configuration Manager.

    • Open SQL Server Configuration Manager.
    • Navigate to SQL Server Services.
    • Right-click the SQL Server instance and select Properties.
    • Go to the FILESTREAM tab.
    • Check the Enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL access option.
    • Optionally, check Enable FILESTREAM for file I/O streaming access if you want to access FILESTREAM data via the file system.
    • Apply the changes and restart the SQL Server instance.
  2. Create a FILESTREAM Filegroup

    -- Create a new FILESTREAM filegroup
    ALTER DATABASE YourDatabase
    -- Add a FILESTREAM file to the filegroup
    ALTER DATABASE YourDatabase
    ADD FILE (
        NAME = YourFileStreamFile,
        FILENAME = 'C:\YourPath\YourFileStreamFile'
    ) TO FILEGROUP YourFileStreamGroup;


  1. Create a Table with a FILESTREAM Column

    -- Create a table with a FILESTREAM column
    CREATE TABLE DocumentStore (
        DocumentName NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT PK_DocumentStore PRIMARY KEY (DocumentID)
  2. Insert Data into the FILESTREAM Table

    -- Insert a file into the FILESTREAM table
    INSERT INTO DocumentStore (DocumentID, DocumentName, Document)
    VALUES (
        (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\Path\To\Your\SampleDocument.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) AS Document)
  3. Query FILESTREAM Data

    -- Retrieve the file from the FILESTREAM table
    SELECT DocumentName, Document
    FROM DocumentStore
    WHERE DocumentID = 'Your-Document-ID';
  4. Access FILESTREAM Data via File System

    If you enabled file I/O streaming access, you can access FILESTREAM data directly from the file system using the UNC path.

    -- Get the UNC path for the FILESTREAM data
    FROM sys.database_files
    WHERE type = 2; -- FILESTREAM data file

Best Practices

  1. Performance: Monitor and optimize FILESTREAM performance by managing file system and SQL Server storage resources effectively.

  2. Backup and Restore: Use SQL Server backup and restore procedures for both FILESTREAM and database data. FILESTREAM data is included in database backups, and separate FILESTREAM file backups are not required.

  3. Security: Ensure appropriate file system permissions are set for FILESTREAM data. SQL Server manages access to the FILESTREAM data through SQL Server security mechanisms.

  4. Maintainability: Regularly monitor the storage and performance of FILESTREAM data. Implement maintenance tasks to manage file growth and cleanup.

  5. Disaster Recovery: Plan for disaster recovery scenarios, ensuring that FILESTREAM data is included in your recovery strategy.

By leveraging FILESTREAM, you can efficiently manage large binary data within SQL Server while benefiting from both SQL Server's transactional consistency and the file system's performance capabilities.

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