Monday, August 12, 2024

Hash Index (For In-Memory Tables)

 Understanding Hash Index for In-Memory Tables in SQL Server

A Hash Index is a type of index specifically designed for use with in-memory optimized tables in SQL Server. These tables are stored entirely in memory and use different indexing techniques compared to traditional disk-based tables to maximize performance. A hash index uses a hash function to determine the index location, making it highly efficient for equality searches, such as = or IN queries.

Key Characteristics of Hash Indexes:

  1. Optimized for Equality Searches:

    • Hash indexes are extremely fast for queries that involve searching for exact matches, such as WHERE column = value. They are less effective for range queries (<, >, BETWEEN) or ordered scans.
  2. Fixed Size:

    • When creating a hash index, you must specify the number of buckets (hash slots) it should use. This determines how the index will distribute the keys. The number of buckets should be carefully chosen based on the expected number of unique key values to avoid excessive hash collisions, which can degrade performance.
  3. In-Memory Only:

    • Hash indexes are only available for tables that are stored entirely in memory, meaning they are used exclusively with memory-optimized tables (introduced with SQL Server 2014). These indexes are not persisted to disk and are rebuilt when the SQL Server instance restarts.
  4. No Support for Ordered Scans:

    • Unlike traditional indexes, hash indexes do not support ordered operations like ORDER BY or GROUP BY. If you need ordered results, you should use a nonclustered index or combine hash indexes with other indexing strategies.

Example Scenario: Creating and Using a Hash Index

Let's go through an example to see how to create and use a hash index in SQL Server.

Step 1: Create a Memory-Optimized Table

To use a hash index, you first need to create a memory-optimized table. Here's an example table to store customer data.

    FirstName NVARCHAR(50),
    LastName NVARCHAR(50),
    Email NVARCHAR(100)

In this example:

  • CustomerID is the primary key and is indexed using a hash index.
  • BUCKET_COUNT specifies the number of hash buckets. This value should be chosen based on the expected number of unique CustomerID values. In this case, it's set to 1,000,000.

The MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON option indicates that the table is memory-optimized and stored entirely in memory. DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA ensures that both the schema and data are durable and survive SQL Server restarts.

Step 2: Insert Data into the Table

Insert some sample data into the Customers table.

INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, Email)
(1, 'John', 'Doe', ''),
(2, 'Jane', 'Smith', ''),
(3, 'Michael', 'Johnson', '');

Step 3: Query the Table Using the Hash Index

You can now perform queries that benefit from the hash index. The hash index is particularly effective for queries that look up specific customers by CustomerID.

  1. Equality Search:

    SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email
    FROM Customers
    WHERE CustomerID = 1;

    This query retrieves the customer with CustomerID = 1. The hash index allows SQL Server to quickly locate the corresponding row without scanning the entire table.

  2. Multiple Equality Search:

    SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email
    FROM Customers
    WHERE CustomerID IN (1, 3);

    This query retrieves customers with CustomerID = 1 or CustomerID = 3. The hash index efficiently handles this query by hashing each CustomerID and directly locating the matching rows.

Step 4: Considerations for Hash Indexes

  • Choosing the Bucket Count:

    • It's essential to choose an appropriate BUCKET_COUNT when creating a hash index. Too few buckets can lead to hash collisions, where multiple keys hash to the same bucket, causing performance degradation. Too many buckets waste memory. A good rule of thumb is to set the bucket count to slightly higher than the expected number of unique keys.
  • Handling Collisions:

    • If two different keys hash to the same bucket (a hash collision), SQL Server stores them in the same bucket, which may require additional comparisons to locate the correct row. Excessive collisions can slow down performance, so it's important to monitor and adjust the bucket count if needed.
  • Limited Use Cases:

    • Hash indexes are not suitable for all types of queries. They are ideal for equality searches but not for range queries or ordered operations. For those types of queries, consider using a nonclustered index or other indexing strategies.


Hash indexes in SQL Server are designed for use with memory-optimized tables and provide extremely fast lookups for equality-based queries. By carefully choosing the bucket count and understanding the specific scenarios where hash indexes excel, you can significantly enhance the performance of your in-memory database applications.

When working with hash indexes, remember that they are most effective for exact match queries and should be combined with other indexing strategies if your application requires range searches or ordered results.

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