Showing posts with label SSRS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSRS. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2024

Report Localization in SSRS

 Report localization in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) involves translating and formatting reports to support multiple languages and regions. Here are some key steps and strategies for effectively localizing SSRS reports:

  1. Resource Files for Localization:

    • Use resource files (.resx) to store localized strings for different languages. You can create separate resource files for each language and reference these in your SSRS reports.
    • Create a base resource file (e.g., ReportStrings.resx) and localized versions (e.g., for French).
  2. Expressions for Localized Text:

    • Use expressions to dynamically display localized text in your reports. You can use custom code or embedded code in the report to fetch the localized strings.
    • Add custom code in the Report Properties (Code tab) to load the appropriate resource file based on the user’s language.
    Public Function GetLocalizedString(key As String, language As String) As String
        Dim rm As New System.Resources.ResourceManager("Namespace.ReportStrings", GetType(ReportName).Assembly)
        Return rm.GetString(key, New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(language))
    End Function
    • Use expressions in your report items to call this function and display the localized text.

    =Code.GetLocalizedString("ReportTitle", Parameters!Language.Value)
  3. Parameters for Language Selection:

    • Add a parameter to your report to allow users to select their preferred language. This parameter can be used to determine which resource file to load and which culture to apply for formatting.

    @Language (e.g., "en-US", "fr-FR")
  4. Localized Data:

    • Ensure that any data displayed in the report is also localized. This can involve querying localized data from your database or translating data within the report.
  5. Date, Number, and Currency Formatting:

    • Use culture-specific formatting for dates, numbers, and currency values. You can set the format of report items based on the selected language or culture.
    =Format(Fields!DateField.Value, "d", New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(Parameters!Language.Value))
  6. Localized Subreports:

    • If your report contains subreports, ensure that these subreports are also localized. Pass the language parameter to subreports and apply the same localization logic.
  7. Multi-Language Report Layouts:

    • For complex reports, consider creating separate layouts for each language. This approach can provide more control over the appearance and placement of localized text.
  8. Testing and Validation:

    • Thoroughly test your localized reports in all supported languages. Ensure that text fits properly within report items and that formatting is applied correctly.

Example: Implementing Localization in SSRS

  1. Create Resource Files:

    • Create resource files (ReportStrings.resx,, etc.) and add localized strings for each language.
  2. Add Language Parameter:

    • Add a report parameter named Language with available language options.
  3. Custom Code for Localization:

    • Add the following custom code in the Report Properties (Code tab):

      Public Function GetLocalizedString(key As String, language As String) As String
          Dim rm As New System.Resources.ResourceManager("Namespace.ReportStrings", GetType(ReportName).Assembly)
          Return rm.GetString(key, New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(language))
      End Function
  4. Expressions for Localized Text:

    • Use expressions to display localized text in report items:


      =Code.GetLocalizedString("ReportTitle", Parameters!Language.Value)
  5. Culture-Specific Formatting:

    • Apply culture-specific formatting for dates, numbers, and currency values:

      =Format(Fields!DateField.Value, "d", New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(Parameters!Language.Value))
  6. Pass Language Parameter to Subreports:

    • If using subreports, pass the language parameter to ensure they are also localized:



By following these steps, you can effectively localize your SSRS reports to support multiple languages and regions, providing a better user experience for a global audience.

Parameter Sniffing Issues in SSRS

 Parameter sniffing in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) refers to a situation where SQL Server generates an execution plan for a stored procedure or query based on the parameters passed during the first execution and then reuses that plan for subsequent executions. This can lead to performance issues if the initial parameters are not representative of typical workloads. Here are some strategies to mitigate parameter sniffing issues in SSRS:

  1. Optimize Stored Procedures and Queries:

    • Use local variables to prevent parameter sniffing by copying input parameters to local variables and using those variables in your queries.

      CREATE PROCEDURE GetReportData (@Parameter1 INT, @Parameter2 NVARCHAR(50))
          DECLARE @LocalParameter1 INT = @Parameter1;
          DECLARE @LocalParameter2 NVARCHAR(50) = @Parameter2;
          -- Use local parameters in your queries
          SELECT *
          FROM YourTable
          WHERE Column1 = @LocalParameter1 AND Column2 = @LocalParameter2;

    • Use the OPTION (RECOMPILE) hint to force SQL Server to recompile the query every time it runs, generating a new execution plan each time.

      SELECT *
      FROM YourTable
      WHERE Column1 = @Parameter1 AND Column2 = @Parameter2
    • Be cautious with this approach as it can increase CPU usage due to frequent recompilations.

  3. Optimize for Unknown:

    • Use the OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN hint to force SQL Server to use average statistical data instead of the initial parameter values.

      SELECT *
      FROM YourTable
      WHERE Column1 = @Parameter1 AND Column2 = @Parameter2
  4. Plan Guides:

    • Use plan guides to apply specific query hints or execution plans for your queries without modifying the query text.
  5. Indexed Views and Computed Columns:

    • Use indexed views or computed columns to improve query performance, which can mitigate the impact of parameter sniffing.
  6. Statistics and Index Maintenance:

    • Regularly update statistics and maintain indexes to ensure SQL Server has accurate data distribution information, which can help in generating efficient execution plans.
  7. Forced Parameterization:

    • Enable forced parameterization at the database level to force SQL Server to parameterize all queries. This can reduce the impact of parameter sniffing but may not be suitable for all workloads.


  8. Query Store:

    • Use the Query Store feature in SQL Server to monitor query performance and identify parameter sniffing issues. You can force specific execution plans for problematic queries.

      -- Enable Query Store
      ALTER DATABASE YourDatabase
      -- Force a specific execution plan
      EXEC sp_query_store_force_plan @query_id = 1, @plan_id = 1;
  9. Report-Specific Solutions:

    • In SSRS, consider using different stored procedures or queries for different report parameter combinations if you know certain parameter sets cause performance issues.
    • Use report parameters to control the logic in your queries or stored procedures to better handle different parameter values.
  10. Caching and Snapshots:

    • Use report caching and snapshots in SSRS to reduce the frequency of query executions, which can help mitigate the impact of parameter sniffing.

By employing these strategies, you can mitigate parameter sniffing issues and improve the performance and reliability of your SSRS reports. The choice of strategy depends on the specific context and requirements of your reporting environment.

Implementing error handling and logging within SSRS

 Implementing error handling and logging in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) involves several approaches since SSRS itself does not provide built-in comprehensive error handling or logging mechanisms. Here are some strategies to handle errors and implement logging in SSRS:

  1. Using Try-Catch in SQL Queries:

    • Within your SQL queries, use TRY-CATCH blocks to handle exceptions. You can log errors to a table in your database.
        -- Your SQL code here
        INSERT INTO ErrorLog (ErrorMessage, ErrorSeverity, ErrorState, ErrorLine, ErrorProcedure)
        -- You can also raise the error again if needed
  2. Custom Code in SSRS Reports:

    • You can write custom code in SSRS reports (using VB.NET) to handle certain errors and log them. Go to the Report Properties and add your custom code under the 'Code' tab.
    Public Function LogError(ByVal errorMsg As String) As String
        ' Write your custom error logging logic here
        ' For example, write to a file or a database table
        Return errorMsg
    End Function
    • Call this function in your report expressions to handle and log errors.
  3. SSRS Event Handlers:

    • Use SSRS event handlers in the Report Server to capture and log errors. This involves creating custom extensions or using Report Server event handlers.
  4. Using Report Server Execution Logs:

    • SSRS includes execution logs that can be used to monitor and troubleshoot report execution. These logs include information about report execution times, parameters, and errors.
    • Configure and query the ReportServer database’s ExecutionLog3 view to analyze report executions and errors.
    SELECT *
    FROM ReportServer.dbo.ExecutionLog3
    WHERE Status = 'rsProcessingAborted' OR Status = 'rsRuntimeError'
  5. Custom Logging Tables:

    • Create custom logging tables in your database to log report parameters, execution times, and errors manually.
    CREATE TABLE ReportExecutionLog (
        ReportName NVARCHAR(255),
        ExecutionTime DATETIME,
        Parameters NVARCHAR(MAX),
        ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(MAX),
        Status NVARCHAR(50)
    • Insert logs into this table at appropriate places in your reports or stored procedures.
    INSERT INTO ReportExecutionLog (ReportName, ExecutionTime, Parameters, ErrorMessage, Status)
    VALUES (@ReportName, GETDATE(), @Parameters, @ErrorMessage, @Status);
  6. Configuring Report Server Logging Options:

    • Configure the SSRS Report Server to log more detailed information by modifying the RSReportServer.config file. Increase the logging level to capture more detailed information.
  7. Using Subscriptions and Notifications:

    • Set up report subscriptions to send notifications when a report execution fails. This can help in proactive error handling.

By combining these techniques, you can create a robust error handling and logging mechanism for your SSRS reports. Each approach has its specific use cases and can be tailored to meet the needs of your reporting environment.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Advanced Parameter Handling in SSRS

 Advanced parameter handling in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) can greatly enhance the flexibility and functionality of your reports. Here are some advanced techniques and best practices:

1. Cascading Parameters

Cascading parameters are parameters that depend on the value of another parameter. This is useful for creating dynamic filters.

Example: Country and City Parameters

  1. Create Country Parameter:

    • Dataset Query: SELECT DISTINCT Country FROM YourTable ORDER BY Country
  2. Create City Parameter:

    • Dataset Query:

      SELECT DISTINCT City FROM YourTable WHERE Country = @Country ORDER BY City

2. Multi-Value Parameters

Multi-value parameters allow users to select multiple values from a list. These are useful for filtering reports based on multiple criteria.

Example: Using Multi-Value Parameters in Query

  1. Create a multi-value parameter (e.g., @Regions).
  2. Modify the dataset query to handle multiple values:

    SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE Region IN (@Regions)

3. Dynamic SQL in SSRS

Using dynamic SQL can help handle complex filtering logic based on parameter values.

Example: Dynamic Filtering Based on Parameter

  1. Define a parameter (e.g., @FilterBy).
  2. Use dynamic SQL in the dataset query:

    DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE 1=1' IF @FilterBy = 'Option1' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND Column1 = ''Value1''' ELSE IF @FilterBy = 'Option2' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND Column2 = ''Value2''' EXEC sp_executesql @SQL

4. Default and Null Values

Handling default and null values for parameters ensures your report behaves correctly when users do not provide input.

Example: Default Value for Date Parameter

  1. Define a date parameter (e.g., @StartDate).
  2. Set the default value to today’s date:

    =IIF(Parameters!StartDate.Value Is Nothing, Today(), Parameters!StartDate.Value)

5. Parameter Dependencies and Conditional Visibility

Control the visibility of parameters and report elements based on parameter values.

Example: Conditional Visibility

  1. Define a parameter (e.g., @ShowDetails).
  2. Set the visibility of a report item based on the parameter:

    =IIF(Parameters!ShowDetails.Value = "Yes", False, True)

6. Using Lookup Functions

Lookup functions allow you to retrieve values from different datasets based on parameter values.

Example: Using Lookup to Display Related Data

  1. Define datasets (e.g., Dataset1 and Dataset2).
  2. Use Lookup to display related data in the report:

    =Lookup(Fields!ID.Value, Fields!ID.Value, Fields!Description.Value, "Dataset2")

7. Custom Code for Advanced Logic

You can add custom code to your report for complex parameter handling and transformations.

Example: Custom Code for Date Formatting

  1. Add custom code to the report:

    Public Function FormatDate(ByVal dateValue As DateTime) As String Return dateValue.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") End Function
  2. Use the custom code in an expression:


8. Handling Large Parameter Lists

For reports with large parameter lists, consider using cascading parameters, filters, or creating a separate dataset to load parameter values on demand.

Example: Filter Parameter List

  1. Create a main dataset (e.g., MainDataset).
  2. Create a parameter dataset with a filter:

    SELECT DISTINCT Value FROM ParameterTable WHERE Condition = @Condition

By using these advanced parameter handling techniques in SSRS, you can create more dynamic, user-friendly, and efficient reports.

Handling Large Datasets in SSRS

 Handling large datasets in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) can be challenging due to performance issues and resource constraints. Here are some strategies to effectively manage and optimize large datasets in SSRS:

1. Data Source Optimization

  • Indexed Queries: Ensure your queries are optimized with proper indexing.
  • Stored Procedures: Use stored procedures instead of direct queries. They can be precompiled and optimized by SQL Server.
  • Database Views: Utilize views to simplify and optimize complex queries.

2. Query Optimization

  • Limit Data Retrieval: Retrieve only the necessary data by using WHERE clauses, limiting columns, and using aggregation functions.
  • Parameterization: Use report parameters to filter data at the query level, reducing the amount of data processed by SSRS.

3. Report Design

  • Pagination: Implement pagination to handle large datasets. SSRS can render and display data in manageable chunks.
  • Subreports: Use subreports for different sections of the report to distribute the data processing load.
  • Data Regions: Use different data regions (e.g., tablix, matrix, charts) efficiently and avoid nested data regions that can cause performance issues.

4. Caching and Snapshots

  • Report Caching: Enable report caching to store a copy of the processed report and serve it to users, reducing the load on the server.
  • Report Snapshots: Use report snapshots for scheduled data processing and to provide consistent data views at specific points in time.

5. Data Processing Extensions

  • Custom Data Processing Extensions: Create custom data processing extensions to preprocess and filter data before it reaches SSRS, improving performance and flexibility.

6. Server Configuration

  • Scale Out Deployment: For very large datasets and high user loads, consider a scale-out deployment of the SSRS server.
  • Memory and CPU: Ensure the SSRS server has adequate memory and CPU resources to handle large datasets.

7. Asynchronous Processing

  • Background Processing: Offload data-intensive processing to background jobs or separate systems where possible.

8. Monitoring and Tuning

  • Performance Monitoring: Regularly monitor the performance of SSRS reports and the underlying SQL Server.
  • SQL Server Profiler: Use SQL Server Profiler to identify slow-running queries and performance bottlenecks.
  • Execution Logs: Analyze SSRS execution logs to identify long-running reports and optimize them.

Example: Implementing Pagination

To implement pagination in SSRS:

  1. Set the Dataset Query: Ensure your query supports pagination by using ROW_NUMBER() or other window functions.

        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SomeColumn) AS RowNum,

  2. Add Parameters for Pagination:

    • @PageNumber: The current page number.
    • @PageSize: The number of records per page.
  3. Modify the Dataset Query:

    DECLARE @PageNumber INT = @PageNumber;
    DECLARE @PageSize INT = @PageSize;
    WITH PagedData AS (
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SomeColumn) AS RowNum,
        RowNum BETWEEN (@PageNumber - 1) * @PageSize + 1 AND @PageNumber * @PageSize

  4. Configure the Report: Use the parameters to control the display of records in the report and handle pagination controls.

By applying these strategies, you can significantly improve the performance and manageability of large datasets in SSRS.

SSRS with SharePoint Integration

 Integrating SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) with SharePoint allows you to manage and access your SSRS reports within the SharePoint environment. This integration provides several benefits, such as centralizing report management, leveraging SharePoint's security features, and offering a unified user experience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating SSRS with SharePoint

1. Prepare Your Environment

  1. Install SharePoint:

    • Ensure that you have a SharePoint environment set up. This guide assumes you have SharePoint 2016 or later installed and configured.
  2. Install SQL Server:

    • Install SQL Server with Reporting Services. During the installation, choose the "Install only" option for Reporting Services.
  3. Download the SharePoint-Mode Report Server:

    • Download the SharePoint-mode Report Server from the Microsoft website.

2. Install and Configure SSRS in SharePoint Mode

  1. Install SharePoint-Mode Report Server:

    • Run the installer for the SharePoint-mode Report Server. Follow the instructions to install the report server in SharePoint mode.
  2. Configure the Report Server:

    • Open the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
    • Connect to the report server instance you just installed.
    • Configure the following:
      • Service Account: Specify the service account for the report server.
      • Web Service URL: Configure the URL for the Report Server Web Service.
      • Database: Create a new report server database in SharePoint Integrated mode.
      • Web Portal URL: Configure the URL for the Report Server Web Portal.

3. Configure SharePoint for SSRS Integration

  1. Add the Report Server to SharePoint:

    • Go to the SharePoint Central Administration site.
    • Navigate to "Manage service applications."
    • Click "New" and then select "SQL Server Reporting Services Service Application."
    • Provide a name for the service application and configure the necessary settings.
    • Associate the service application with the appropriate web application.
  2. Activate the Reporting Services Features:

    • Go to the SharePoint site where you want to integrate SSRS.
    • Navigate to "Site Settings."
    • Under "Site Collection Administration," click "Site collection features."
    • Activate the "Report Server Integration Feature."
  3. Create a Report Library:

    • Go to your SharePoint site.
    • Click on "Site Contents."
    • Click "Add an app."
    • Select "Document Library" and name it (e.g., "Reports").
    • Go to the library settings and click on "Advanced settings."
    • Enable the "Allow management of content types" option.
    • Click "Add from existing site content types" and add the "Report Builder Report" and "Report Data Source" content types.

4. Deploy and Manage Reports

  1. Upload Reports to SharePoint:

    • Navigate to the report library you created.
    • Click "Upload" and upload your RDL (Report Definition Language) files.
  2. Set Up Data Sources:

    • Upload shared data sources (RSDS files) to the report library.
    • Configure data source settings such as connection strings and credentials.
  3. Manage Permissions:

    • Set permissions for the report library and individual reports to control who can view and manage reports.

5. Access Reports from SharePoint

  1. Navigate to Reports:

    • Users can navigate to the report library and click on reports to view them directly in SharePoint.
  2. Use the Report Viewer Web Part:

    • Add the Report Viewer Web Part to a SharePoint page to display reports.
    • Edit the web part properties to specify the report URL and other settings.

Additional Tips

  • Using Power BI Report Server: If you are using Power BI Report Server instead of SSRS, the integration process is similar, but you will use Power BI reports (.pbix) along with traditional SSRS reports.
  • Performance: Monitor performance and consider scaling your SharePoint and SQL Server instances to handle the load.
  • Security: Leverage SharePoint's robust security model to manage access to reports and data sources.
  • Report Builder: Users can use Report Builder integrated with SharePoint to create and publish reports directly to the SharePoint site.

Full Example Summary

Here’s a summary of what you’ve done:

  1. Prepared Your Environment: Installed and set up SharePoint and SQL Server.
  2. Installed and Configured SSRS in SharePoint Mode: Installed the SharePoint-mode Report Server and configured it.
  3. Configured SharePoint for SSRS Integration: Added the report server to SharePoint, activated features, and created a report library.
  4. Deployed and Managed Reports: Uploaded reports and data sources, and managed permissions.
  5. Accessed Reports from SharePoint: Used the report library and Report Viewer Web Part to access reports.

By following these steps, you can successfully integrate SSRS with SharePoint, allowing users to manage and access reports within the SharePoint environment.

Custom authentication methods in SSRS

 Implementing custom authentication methods in SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) allows you to integrate your own authentication logic, such as single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), or integration with third-party authentication providers. Custom authentication in SSRS involves creating and deploying a custom security extension. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Custom Authentication in SSRS

1. Set Up the Development Environment

  1. Install Visual Studio:

    • Ensure you have Visual Studio installed with the necessary components to develop .NET applications.
  2. Install SQL Server Reporting Services:

    • Make sure you have SSRS installed and configured on your SQL Server instance.

2. Create the Custom Security Extension

  1. Create a New Class Library Project:

    • Open Visual Studio and create a new Class Library project.
    • Name it something like CustomSecurityExtension.
  2. Add References:

    • Add references to the necessary SSRS libraries. You will typically need Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces and System.Web.
  3. Implement the Interfaces:

    • Implement the required interfaces from Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces. The key interfaces you need to implement are IAuthenticationExtension2 and IAuthorizationExtension.
    using Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Web.Security;
    public class CustomSecurityExtension : IAuthenticationExtension2, IAuthorizationExtension
        // Implement IAuthenticationExtension2 methods
        public bool LogonUser(string userName, string password, string authority)
            // Custom authentication logic
            return userName == "admin" && password == "password";
        public void SetConfiguration(StringCollection configuration)
            // Optional: Set any configuration settings
        public bool IsValidPrincipalName(string principalName)
            return true;
        public void GetUserInfo(out string userName, out IntPtr userToken)
            userName = "admin";
            userToken = IntPtr.Zero;
        // Implement IAuthorizationExtension methods
        public bool CheckAccess(string userName, IntPtr userToken, byte[] secDesc, ReportOperation requiredOperation)
            // Custom authorization logic
            return true;
        public void SetConfiguration(StringCollection configuration)
            // Optional: Set any configuration settings
        public bool IsValidPrincipalName(string principalName)
            return true;
        public void GetUserInfo(out string userName, out IntPtr userToken)
            userName = "admin";
            userToken = IntPtr.Zero;
        public string LocalizedName
            get { return null; }
        public bool CheckAccess(string userName, IntPtr userToken, byte[] secDesc, CatalogOperation requiredOperation)
            return true;
        public bool CheckAccess(string userName, IntPtr userToken, byte[] secDesc, FolderOperation requiredOperation)
            return true;
        public bool CheckAccess(string userName, IntPtr userToken, byte[] secDesc, ResourceOperation requiredOperation)
            return true;
        public bool CheckAccess(string userName, IntPtr userToken, byte[] secDesc, DatasourceOperation requiredOperation)
            return true;
        public bool CheckAccess(string userName, IntPtr userToken, byte[] secDesc, ModelOperation requiredOperation)
            return true;

  4. Build the Project:

    • Build the project to create the CustomSecurityExtension.dll.

3. Deploy the Custom Security Extension

  1. Copy the DLL:

    • Copy the CustomSecurityExtension.dll to the bin directory of your SSRS instance. The typical path is:
      C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin

  2. Update the RSReportServer.config File:

    • Edit the RSReportServer.config file located in the ReportServer directory. Add entries for your custom security extension in the <Extensions> section.
    <Extension Name="CustomAuthentication" Type="YourNamespace.CustomSecurityExtension, CustomSecurityExtension" />

  3. Update the rssrvpolicy.config File:

    • Edit the rssrvpolicy.config file to grant the custom security extension the necessary permissions.
    <CodeGroup class="UnionCodeGroup" version="1" PermissionSetName="FullTrust" Name="CustomSecurityExtensionCodeGroup" Description="Code group for the custom security extension">
      <IMembershipCondition class="UrlMembershipCondition" version="1" Url="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\CustomSecurityExtension.dll" />

  4. Update the Web.config File:

    • Edit the Web.config file located in the ReportServer and ReportManager directories to use the custom authentication extension.
    <authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms loginUrl="your_login_page.aspx" timeout="2880" />

  5. Configure the RSReportServer.config File for Forms Authentication:

    • Update the authentication section to use the custom authentication extension.
      <Extension Name="Forms" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authentication.FormsAuthenticationExtension, Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authentication" />

4. Configure the Login Page

  1. Create a Custom Login Page:

    • Create a custom login page (e.g., your_login_page.aspx) that handles user login and sets the authentication cookie.
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <label for="username">Username:</label>
        <input type="text" id="username" name="username" />
        <label for="password">Password:</label>
        <input type="password" id="password" name="password" />
        <input type="submit" value="Log In" />
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsPostBack)
            string username = Request.Form["username"];
            string password = Request.Form["password"];
            if (FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(username, password))
                FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(username, false);
                // Display error message

5. Test the Custom Authentication

  1. Restart SSRS:

    • Restart the SSRS service to apply the changes.
  2. Access the Report Manager:

    • Access the Report Manager URL (e.g., http://<server>/reports) and ensure the custom login page appears.
  3. Log In:

    • Log in using the credentials defined in your custom authentication logic.

Additional Tips

  • Logging and Debugging: Add logging to your custom security extension to help debug issues during development and deployment.
  • Security: Ensure that your custom authentication logic follows best practices for security, such as hashing passwords and preventing SQL injection.
  • Scalability: Consider the performance implications of your custom authentication logic, especially if it involves external services or databases.

By following these steps, you can implement custom authentication methods in SSRS, allowing you to integrate with various authentication systems and enhance the security and flexibility of your reporting solution.

Multilingual reports in SSRS

 Creating multilingual reports in SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) involves designing reports that can display content in multiple languages based on user preferences or locale settings. Here’s a comprehensive guide to creating multilingual reports in SSRS:

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Multilingual Reports

1. Prepare Translations

  1. Create a Translation Table:

    • Store translations for all text elements in your report (e.g., labels, headers, footers, etc.) in a database table.
    • Example table structure:
    CREATE TABLE Translations (
        LanguageCode NVARCHAR(10),
        LabelKey NVARCHAR(50),
        Translation NVARCHAR(255)
    INSERT INTO Translations (LanguageCode, LabelKey, Translation) VALUES
    ('en-US', 'ReportTitle', 'Sales Report'),
    ('fr-FR', 'ReportTitle', 'Rapport de ventes'),
    ('es-ES', 'ReportTitle', 'Informe de ventas');

  2. Populate the Table:

    • Add translations for all necessary languages and label keys.

2. Design the Report

  1. Create the Report:

    • Create a new report or open an existing report where you want to add multilingual support.
  2. Add a Data Source:

    • Add a data source that connects to your database containing the translation table and report data.
  3. Add a Dataset for Translations:

    • Add a dataset to retrieve translations from the translation table based on the user’s language preference.

    SELECT LabelKey, Translation FROM Translations WHERE LanguageCode = @LanguageCode
  4. Add a Parameter for Language Code:

    • Add a report parameter (e.g., LanguageCode) that allows users to select their preferred language. Set default values or available values as needed.
  5. Add a Dataset for Report Data:

    • Add a dataset to retrieve the main report data.

3. Use Expressions for Multilingual Content

  1. Retrieve Translations:

    • In the report, use expressions to retrieve the appropriate translations based on the LanguageCode parameter.
  2. Set Text Box Values:

    • For each text box or label in the report, use an expression to dynamically set its value based on the translation dataset.
    =Lookup("ReportTitle", Fields!LabelKey.Value, Fields!Translation.Value, "TranslationsDataset")
  3. Set Parameter Labels:

    • Set the labels for parameters using expressions to ensure they also display in the selected language.

4. Design the Layout

  1. Dynamic Text:

    • Use the expressions mentioned above to set text dynamically for titles, labels, headers, footers, etc.
  2. Localized Formatting:

    • Consider using locale-specific formatting for dates, numbers, and currency. You can set the Language property of the report or individual text boxes to reflect the selected language.


5. Test the Report

  1. Preview the Report:

    • Click on the "Preview" tab to view the report. Select different values for the LanguageCode parameter to see the report content change accordingly.
  2. Verify Translations:

    • Ensure that all text elements display correctly in the selected language.

Example Scenario

Imagine you have a sales report that needs to be available in English, French, and Spanish. Here's how you would set it up:

  1. Translation Table:

    CREATE TABLE Translations (
        LanguageCode NVARCHAR(10),
        LabelKey NVARCHAR(50),
        Translation NVARCHAR(255)
    INSERT INTO Translations (LanguageCode, LabelKey, Translation) VALUES
    ('en-US', 'ReportTitle', 'Sales Report'),
    ('fr-FR', 'ReportTitle', 'Rapport de ventes'),
    ('es-ES', 'ReportTitle', 'Informe de ventas');
  2. Report Parameter:

    • Add a parameter named LanguageCode with available values ('en-US', 'fr-FR', 'es-ES').
  3. Translation Dataset:


    SELECT LabelKey, Translation FROM Translations WHERE LanguageCode = @LanguageCode
  4. Expressions:

    • Use expressions to set the title dynamically:
    =Lookup("ReportTitle", Fields!LabelKey.Value, Fields!Translation.Value, "TranslationsDataset")
  5. Preview and Test:

    • Ensure that selecting different languages in the LanguageCode parameter displays the report in the appropriate language.

Additional Tips

  • Resource Files: For more extensive multilingual support, consider using resource files or external translation services.
  • Dynamic Images: If you have images or other media that need to change based on language, store and retrieve them similarly to text translations.
  • Performance: Ensure that your translation retrieval is efficient, especially if you have many text elements to translate.

By following these steps, you can create multilingual reports in SSRS, enhancing accessibility and user experience for a global audience.

Custom Assemblies in SSRS

 Custom assemblies in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) allow you to extend the functionality of your reports by incorporating custom .NET code. This is useful for implementing complex logic, reusable functions, or leveraging external libraries. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to create and use custom assemblies in SSRS:

Steps to Create and Use Custom Assemblies in SSRS

  1. Create a Custom Assembly
  2. Deploy the Custom Assembly
  3. Reference the Assembly in SSRS
  4. Use the Assembly in Expressions
  5. Security and Configuration

1. Create a Custom Assembly

Example: Creating a Simple Assembly

  1. Create a New Class Library Project:

    • Open Visual Studio and create a new Class Library project.
  2. Write the Custom Code:

    • Add the methods you need in your report. For example, a simple method to format a string.
      using System;
      namespace CustomAssembly
          public class ReportUtilities
              public static string FormatCurrency(decimal amount)
                  return "$" + amount.ToString("N2");

  3. Build the Assembly:

    • Build the project to generate the DLL file, typically located in the bin\Debug or bin\Release folder.

2. Deploy the Custom Assembly

  1. Copy the DLL:

    • Copy the generated DLL file to the SSRS report server’s bin directory:
      • For a native mode installation, the directory is typically:
        C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRSXX.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin
  2. (Optional) Deploy to Report Designer:

    • If you want to use the assembly in Report Designer (e.g., in Visual Studio), copy the DLL to the Visual Studio private assemblies directory:

      C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio XX.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies

3. Reference the Assembly in SSRS

  1. Open Your Report in Report Designer:

    • Open the report where you want to use the custom assembly.
  2. Add Assembly Reference:

    • In the Report Data pane, right-click on the report and select "Report Properties."
    • Go to the "References" tab.
    • Click "Add" under "Assemblies" and browse to the DLL file, or simply type the assembly name if it’s in the GAC or the report server bin directory.
  3. Add Namespace Imports:

    • Add the namespace(s) of the custom assembly to the report to make it easier to call its methods.


4. Use the Assembly in Expressions

  1. Call the Assembly Methods in Expressions:
    • In the report, you can now use expressions to call methods from the custom assembly.


5. Security and Configuration

  1. Update RSSrvPolicy.config and RSPreviewPolicy.config:
    • By default, SSRS runs custom assemblies with limited permissions. To grant additional permissions, update the RSSrvPolicy.config (for the report server) and RSPreviewPolicy.config (for report preview in Visual Studio).

Example: Adding Code Group to RSSrvPolicy.config

    Description="Code group for custom assemblies">
      Url="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRSXX.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\CustomAssembly.dll"
  1. Ensure Appropriate Security Settings:
    • Make sure that your assembly does not perform actions that require higher trust levels unless explicitly needed, as modifying these settings can have security implications.

Example Walkthrough

1. Create and Build the Assembly

  • Name: CustomAssembly
  • Namespace: CustomAssembly
  • Class: ReportUtilities
  • Method:

    public static string FormatCurrency(decimal amount) { return "$" + amount.ToString("N2"); }

2. Deploy the Assembly

  • Copy CustomAssembly.dll to:
    • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRSXX.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin
    • (Optional for Report Designer) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio XX.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies

3. Reference and Use in SSRS

  • In Report Designer:
    • Go to Report Properties -> References
    • Add CustomAssembly.dll
    • Add Namespace: CustomAssembly.ReportUtilities
  • Use in Expression:


4. Configure Security

  • Edit RSSrvPolicy.config and RSPreviewPolicy.config as needed to grant the required permissions.

By following these steps, you can extend SSRS reports with custom assemblies, allowing for more complex logic, reusable functions, and leveraging external libraries to enhance your reporting capabilities.

Report Performance Optimization in SSRS

 Optimizing report performance in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) involves a combination of database-level optimizations, report design improvements, and SSRS server configurations. Here are some detailed strategies to enhance the performance of your SSRS reports:

1. Database-Level Optimizations

Efficient Queries

  • Indexing: Ensure that your database tables have appropriate indexes to support your query operations.
  • Query Optimization: Write efficient SQL queries. Use joins judiciously and avoid unnecessary subqueries and complex expressions.
  • Stored Procedures: Use stored procedures instead of inline queries to leverage database execution plan caching and to simplify report maintenance.


    @StartDate DATE,
    @EndDate DATE,
    @CategoryID INT
    SELECT * 
    FROM Sales 
    WHERE SaleDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate 
      AND CategoryID = @CategoryID

2. Report Design Improvements

Use Shared Datasets and Data Sources

  • Shared Data Sources: Configure and use shared data sources to centralize connection settings and reuse connections across multiple reports.
  • Shared Datasets: Use shared datasets to minimize redundant data retrieval operations.

Reduce Report Complexity

  • Minimize Report Items: Avoid excessive use of report items like images, charts, and sub-reports that can slow down rendering.
  • Simplify Expressions: Use simple expressions and avoid complex calculations in the report where possible.
  • Use Aggregate Functions Wisely: Place aggregate functions in the SQL query or in group headers/footers rather than at the cell level to reduce the processing load.

Pagination and Data Chunking

  • Pagination: Design reports with pagination to limit the number of records displayed at a time, which reduces memory usage and rendering time.
  • Data Chunking: Retrieve data in smaller chunks, especially for reports with large datasets.



SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM Sales ORDER BY SaleDate

3. SSRS Server Configuration

Caching and Snapshots

  • Report Caching: Enable report caching to store a temporary copy of the report, which can be used for subsequent requests.
  • Report Snapshots: Use report snapshots to pre-render reports at scheduled intervals, reducing the load on the server during peak times.

Configure Processing Options

  • Time-out Settings: Adjust time-out settings to balance between long-running queries and server performance.
  • Data Processing Options: Optimize data processing settings to allocate sufficient resources for report execution.

4. Execution Time Logging and Monitoring

Enable Execution Logging

  • Execution Log: Use SSRS execution logs to monitor report performance, identify bottlenecks, and gather statistics about report execution times and resource usage.
  • SQL Server Profiler: Use SQL Server Profiler to trace and analyze the performance of your queries.



SELECT TimeStart, TimeEnd, TimeDataRetrieval, TimeProcessing, TimeRendering, Source FROM ReportServer.dbo.ExecutionLog3

5. Optimize Report Rendering

Rendering Format

  • Choose Efficient Formats: Select rendering formats that are faster for large reports, such as HTML or CSV, instead of formats like PDF that require more processing.
  • Avoid Nested Controls: Minimize the use of nested controls (e.g., nested tables or lists) to reduce rendering time.

6. Parameter Optimization

Default Values and Validation

  • Default Parameters: Provide default values for parameters to avoid unnecessary data retrieval.
  • Parameter Validation: Validate parameter values early to prevent executing queries with invalid parameters.


SELECT DISTINCT CategoryID, CategoryName 
FROM Categories 
ORDER BY CategoryName

7. Parallel Processing and Scalability

Scale Out Deployment

  • Multiple Report Servers: Use a scale-out deployment by distributing the load across multiple report servers to enhance performance and availability.
  • Load Balancing: Implement load balancing to distribute user requests evenly across servers.

8. Network Considerations

Reduce Data Transfer

  • Data Reduction: Transfer only necessary data by selecting specific columns and filtering records in the database query.
  • Compression: Use data compression techniques to reduce the amount of data transferred between the database server and the report server.

By applying these strategies, you can significantly improve the performance of your SSRS reports, ensuring faster data retrieval, efficient processing, and quicker rendering times. This results in a better user experience and more efficient use of server resources.

Dynamic reports in SSRS

 Dynamic reports in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) are designed to adapt and change based on user input or data, allowing for a highly interactive and customizable reporting experience. Here’s a comprehensive guide to creating dynamic reports in SSRS:

Key Techniques for Dynamic Reports

  1. Dynamic Parameters
  2. Conditional Formatting
  3. Dynamic Grouping and Sorting
  4. Interactive Sorting
  5. Drill-Through and Drill-Down Reports
  6. Dynamic Visibility
  7. Dynamic Columns and Rows

1. Dynamic Parameters

Dynamic parameters allow users to interact with reports by selecting values that filter and shape the report data.


  1. Create Parameters:

    • Add parameters to the report that users can select, such as StartDate, EndDate, and Category.
  2. Modify Dataset Query:

    • Use these parameters in your dataset query to filter data dynamically.

      SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE SaleDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate AND Category = @Category

2. Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting changes the appearance of report items based on data values.


  1. Set Expression for Color:
    • Right-click on a text box or data field and select "Text Box Properties."
    • Go to the "Font" tab and click on the "fx" button next to "Color."
    • Use an expression to set the color dynamically:

      =IIf(Fields!Sales.Value > 1000, "Green", "Red")

3. Dynamic Grouping and Sorting

Allow users to change the grouping and sorting of data within the report.


  1. Create Parameters for Grouping and Sorting:

    • Add parameters like GroupBy and SortBy with options such as "Category," "Date," and "Salesperson."
  2. Modify Grouping and Sorting:

    • Use expressions to set the grouping and sorting based on the selected parameters.

    • For sorting, set the sort expression to:


4. Interactive Sorting

Enable users to sort report data interactively by clicking on column headers.


  1. Enable Interactive Sorting:
    • Right-click on a column header and select "Text Box Properties."
    • Go to the "Interactive Sorting" tab and check "Enable interactive sorting on this text box."
    • Set the sort expression to the field you want to sort by.

5. Drill-Through and Drill-Down Reports

Create reports that allow users to drill down into more detailed data or drill through to other reports.

Drill-Down Example

  1. Group Data:

    • Add a group to your report, such as by Category.
  2. Set Visibility:

    • Set the initial visibility of the detailed rows to hidden.
    • Add a toggle item (e.g., a plus/minus icon) to control the visibility.

Drill-Through Example

  1. Create Target Report:

    • Design a detailed report that shows more granular data.
  2. Add Drill-Through Action:

    • In the main report, right-click on the item that will trigger the drill-through and select "Text Box Properties."
    • Go to the "Action" tab, select "Go to report," and choose the target report.
    • Pass necessary parameters to the target report.

6. Dynamic Visibility

Control the visibility of report items based on expressions.


  1. Set Visibility Expression:
    • Right-click on a report item and select "Properties."
    • Go to the "Visibility" tab and set the visibility based on an expression:

      =IIf(Parameters!ShowDetails.Value = "Yes", False, True)

7. Dynamic Columns and Rows

Create reports that dynamically show or hide columns and rows based on user input or data conditions.


  1. Add Parameters for Column Selection:

    • Add a parameter to allow users to select which columns to display.
  2. Set Column Visibility:

    • Right-click on the column header and select "Column Visibility."
    • Use an expression to set the visibility based on the parameter value:

      =IIf(Parameters!ShowColumn1.Value = "Yes", False, True)

Putting It All Together

Sample Scenario: Sales Report

  1. Create Parameters:

    • Add parameters for date range (StartDate, EndDate), category (Category), and columns to display (ShowSalesAmount, ShowQuantity).
  2. Dataset Query:

    • Use these parameters in the dataset query to filter data.

      SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE SaleDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate AND Category = @Category
  3. Dynamic Columns:

    • Set the visibility of the SalesAmount and Quantity columns based on user selections.

      =IIf(Parameters!ShowSalesAmount.Value = "Yes", False, True) =IIf(Parameters!ShowQuantity.Value = "Yes", False, True)
  4. Conditional Formatting:

    • Use conditional formatting to highlight high sales values.

      =IIf(Fields!SalesAmount.Value > 1000, "Green", "Red")
  5. Interactive Sorting:

    • Enable interactive sorting on the SalesAmount column.
  6. Drill-Through Report:

    • Create a detailed report for individual sales transactions.
    • Add a drill-through action to the main report to navigate to the detailed report with parameters.

By combining these techniques, you can create dynamic, interactive, and user-friendly reports in SSRS that adapt to the needs of your users and provide valuable insights from your data.

Cascading Parameters in SSRS

 Cascading parameters in SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) are used to create a cc so that the selection of one parameter influences the available options for another parameter. This is useful for scenarios where the selection of one parameter filters the available values of subsequent parameters. Here’s how to implement cascading parameters in SSRS:

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Cascading Parameters

  1. Create the Data Source:

    • Ensure you have a data source configured that connects to your database.
  2. Define the Datasets:

    • Create separate datasets for each parameter and the main dataset for the report.

Example Scenario: Country and State

Let's assume we have a report that allows users to select a country and then a state within that country.

Step 1: Create a Dataset for the Country Parameter

  1. Create a Dataset for Countries:
    • In the Report Data pane, right-click Datasets and choose "Add Dataset."
    • Name the dataset (e.g., dsCountry).
    • Choose the data source and enter the query to fetch the list of countries:

      SELECT CountryID, CountryName FROM Countries
    • Click OK to save the dataset.

Step 2: Create a Dataset for the State Parameter

  1. Create a Dataset for States:
    • Right-click Datasets and choose "Add Dataset."
    • Name the dataset (e.g., dsState).
    • Choose the data source and enter the query to fetch the list of states based on the selected country:

      SELECT StateID, StateName FROM States WHERE CountryID = @CountryID
    • Click OK to save the dataset.

Step 3: Add Parameters to the Report

  1. Create the Country Parameter:

    • In the Report Data pane, right-click Parameters and choose "Add Parameter."
    • Name the parameter (e.g., Country).
    • Set the Data Type to match the data type of CountryID (e.g., Integer).
    • In the Available Values section, select "Get values from a query."
    • Choose dsCountry as the dataset and set the Value field to CountryID and the Label field to CountryName.
    • Click OK to save the parameter.
  2. Create the State Parameter:

    • Right-click Parameters and choose "Add Parameter."
    • Name the parameter (e.g., State).
    • Set the Data Type to match the data type of StateID (e.g., Integer).
    • In the Available Values section, select "Get values from a query."
    • Choose dsState as the dataset and set the Value field to StateID and the Label field to StateName.
    • In the Default Values section, you may also select "Get values from a query" and choose dsState to set a default value based on the cascading parameter.
    • Click OK to save the parameter.

Step 4: Modify the Main Dataset

  1. Modify the Main Dataset to Use Parameters:
    • Open the properties of the main dataset that is used to populate the report data.
    • Modify the query to use the parameters. For example:

      SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE CountryID = @Country AND StateID = @State
    • Click OK to save the changes.

Step 5: Test the Report

  1. Test the Report:
    • Run the report to verify that selecting a country filters the available states correctly.
    • Ensure that the state parameter updates based on the selected country.

Example SQL Queries

Dataset for Countries


SELECT CountryID, CountryName FROM Countries

Dataset for States


SELECT StateID, StateName FROM States WHERE CountryID = @CountryID

Main Dataset for the Report


SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE CountryID = @Country AND StateID = @State

Best Practices for Cascading Parameters

  1. Efficient Queries: Ensure that the queries for the parameter datasets are efficient to avoid performance issues.
  2. Parameter Order: Ensure that parameters are ordered correctly in the Report Data pane, with the dependent parameter (e.g., State) coming after the controlling parameter (e.g., Country).
  3. Default Values: Consider setting default values for parameters to improve user experience.
  4. Error Handling: Handle cases where no data is returned for a parameter gracefully, possibly by providing default values or messages to the user.
  5. Testing: Thoroughly test the cascading behavior with different selections to ensure it works as expected.

By implementing cascading parameters effectively, you can create intuitive and user-friendly reports that provide relevant and filtered data based on user selections.