This function searches for one character expression inside a second character expression, returning the starting position of the first expression if found.
CHARINDEX ( expressionToFind , expressionToSearch [ , start_location ] )
A character expression containing the sequence to find. Max length 8000 bytes
A character expression to search.
An integer or bigint expression at which the search starts. If start_location is not specified, has a negative value, or has a zero (0) value, the search starts at the beginning of expressionToSearch. This is an optional parameter
- The first position in string is 1.
- If the expressionToFind is not found in expressionToSearch, the CHARINDEX function will return 0.
- Search is not case sensitive
1) SELECT CHARINDEX('TO', 'Customer') AS MatchPosition;
Result: 4
(Substring is not case sensitive)
2) SELECT CHARINDEX('mer', 'Customer', 3) AS MatchPosition;
Result: 6
3) SELECT CHARINDEX('o', 'Rohit Techvlog', 3) AS MatchPosition;
Result: 13
(Since it started from 3rd position it returns the position of 2nd 'o')
4) SELECT CHARINDEX('z', 'Rohit Techvlog', 1) AS MatchPosition;
Result: 0
(No match found)
5) This function can be used in CASE statement
DECLARE @Name AS VARCHAR(100)= 'Find SQL articles on Rohit techvlog';
WHEN CHARINDEX('rohit', @Name) > 0
THEN 'Exists'
ELSE 'Not Exists'
END AS FindSubString;
Result: Exists
6) This function can be used in a output of existing data in a table.
select JobTitle,CHARINDEX('p', JobTitle) as position_of_p
from Employee